Google My Business Lowered The Video Size Requirement Earlier This Year, But Just Now Updated Guidelines

As the global pandemic was starting to take hold on the other side of the world, Google My Business made a small but crucial change to their video file size requirement, but failed to update their documentation.

In a Google Product Forum post dated February 11th, 2020 by Katie Barnes the question was asked why a video that was within recommended specifications was not uploading to Google My Business. Over the following days and weeks several other posters came to the thread saying they had the exact same issue. After about 2 months a top post was made by Google Product Expert Joy Hawkins notifying any new comers that the issue appears to be impacting all videos uploaded over the past several weeks and that Google was aware of the issue. That was April of this year.

In a new post made yesterday the 4th of October, nearly 6 months later, Joy returned to say that Google had finally conveyed what the issue was. It turns out in February of this year GMB lowered the maximum file size for videos from 100mb to 75mb. Anyone trying to upload videos over 75mb were getting an error and Google’s official documentation stated that the max file size was 100mb.

google product forum google my business video size update 2020

The documentation appears to be updated now and we’ve confirmed this indeed appears to work.

Here are the updated Google My Business video guidelines

  • Duration: Up to 30 seconds long
  • File size: Up to 75 MB
  • Resolution: 720p or higher

You can see the photo and video guidelines documentation here:

Obviously 8 months (February to October) is a long time and your videos from earlier this year may not be pertinent now, but if they are, you can upload those videos to your Google My Business now as long as they are under 75mb.